Master in XR and Spatial Computing

A unique global proposal to become a standout professional in this new market.

November 12, 2024
Until June 2025

Live Online

7500€ *1


More Reasons to Make the Leap

Simply, the most complete program on XR and Spatial Computing


Product Design
About the Metaverse
Ecosystem and State of the Art
Apple Platform
Sector-Specific Case Studies
AI Applied to XR
Project and Team Management
Humanism and Ethics
Social Experiences
Data Analytics
Tokenization in XR
XR Cloud
Spatial Video & Live Stream
Legal Perspective



UX Research
AI Applied to Design
Gamification & AI
XR Narrative
Spatial Branding
Spatial Design
Location-Based Experiences
Interface and Interaction
Hand-tracking Apple/Meta
Music and Spatial Sound
XR Design Heuristics
Prototyping Tools
User Testing


Unity Poly Spatial
3D in Unity / Blender
Reality Composer Pro
Swift UI
Spatial Anchors
Hand-tracking Apple/Meta
Avatars / Persona
Spatial Web Apps
AI Applied to Development
Video Shooting
NeRF and Gaussian Splatting


Product Design
About the Metaverse
Ecosystem and State of the Art
Apple Platform
Sector-Specific Case Studies
AI Applied to XR
Project and Team Management
Humanism and Ethics
Social Experiences
Data Analytics
Tokenization in XR
XR Cloud
Spatial Video & Live Stream
Legal Perspective


UX Research
AI Applied to Design
Gamification & AI
XR Narrative
Spatial Branding
Spatial Design
Location-Based Experiences
Interface and Interaction
Hand-tracking Apple/Meta
Music and Spatial Sound
XR Design Heuristics
Prototyping Tools
User Testing


Unity Poly Spatial
3D in Unity / Blender
Reality Composer Pro
Swift UI
Spatial Anchors
Hand-tracking Apple/Meta
Avatars / Persona
Spatial Web Apps
AI Applied to Development
Video Shooting
NeRF and Gaussian Splatting

We’ve updated 60% of the program
The market’s most aligned program to date

X 3

Volumetric video

Updates ecosystem

x3 Hand-tracking

x2 Legal

x3 Accesibility

X 5

Case Studies

x2 WebXR

Vision Pro

Meta & Google Platform

+ New contents in the program

Hyper-reality Design

Unity Poly Spatial

Swift UI

Product Design



Live Streaming

Spatial Video

Complete integration of tools 



Tool 1

Tool N

1. ChatGPT Team license for each student throughout the Master
2. Master’s own GPT, exclusive to students, with ALL classes and mentorship content
Detailed Program
Module 1: New Ecosystem of Spatial Computing. Convergence with AI. Design and Production Process
  • In-depth analysis of the current ecosystem. Apple, Meta, and Google platforms.
  • Evolution and state of the Metaverse.
  • Convergence with AI: fundamentals, multimodal prompting, and its application. AI wearables.
  • Product Design focused on XR.
  • Workflow and production of XR content.
  • Roles in the XR product and content creation process. Team management.
  • Creating proposals and budgets in this new ecosystem. Cost evaluation.
  • How to lead a project, a company, or a department within this new ecosystem.
  • Live Streaming, Spatial Video, and Volumetric Video.
Module 2: Business Case Studies, Monetization, Tokenization, and Legal and Humanistic Perspective
  • Market heuristics: what has worked and what hasn’t.
  • Identification of opportunities and valid use cases.
  • Multisectorial Business Case Studies: health, education, advertising, entertainment, and productivity.
  • Monetization: how to make a product/service profitable.
  • Creating coherent business models.
  • Blockchain. Hybrid models and Tokenization of XR products.
  • Data analytics related to identifying KPIs.
  • Legal perspective: identification of involved assets, rights, and freedoms at risk.
  • Ethics and Humanism: how to approach the definition and development of XR products as a globally responsible creator. Sustainability, conscious consumption, humanism, and evolutionary impact.
Module 3: Ideation, Tools, and Content Design for Spatial Computing
  • UX Research.
  • XR design process and AI integration. How to enhance creativity.
  • No-Code prototyping tools.
  • Narrative fundamentals and techniques.
  • Gamification techniques and game design applied to XR experience design, and their development with AI techniques.
  • XR design systems. Creating a coherent brand.
  • Spatial Design. How to translate the brand universe to the XR space.
  • Interface Design. From the 2D App world to the immersive world.
  • Interaction design, locomotion, and multimodal interaction in XR.
  • Design heuristics.
Module 4: Design for Physical and Virtual Spaces
  • VR scenario design.
  • Experience design for Spatial Computing.
  • Hand-tracking: focus on Apple and Meta platforms.
  • Social interaction mechanics and avatar and digital identity design.
  • Designing XR experiences in the browser with WebXR / WebGPU.
  • Sound and music in Spatial Computing.
  • Generative AI applied to XR experience design.
  • Designing for EVERYONE: Accessibility.
  • How to create an XR prototype.
  • User Testing: validating design hypotheses.
Module 5: Development of XR Content for Apple and Meta Platforms
  • Unity – Advanced Unity knowledge for XR. Tips & Tricks.
  • Unity in Apple environments – Unity Poly Spatial – Developing immersive 3D Apps and experiences. Integration with Xcode and limitations of Reality Composer Pro.
  • Developing native and accessible Apps with SwiftUI for Apple Vision Pro.
  • Implementing hand-tracking on Meta and Apple platforms.
  • WebXR – Developing experiences with A-Frame and other libraries.
  • Optimization – Principles, tricks, and implementation within Unity and Xcode.
  • Application of generative AI throughout the development process.
  • Publishing projects on various Stores. ASO – App Store Optimization for Vision Pro.
Module 6: Creation and Capture Techniques
  • Professional video recording 180, 360 (monoscopic and stereoscopic), and Spatial Video.
  • 3D modeling and its integration with Blender and Unity. Retopologies. Integration of generative AI in the process.
  • Digital twins, photogrammetry, and integration with Unity.
  • Volumetric Video recording with various systems and integration with Unity.
  • Application of NeRF and Gaussian Splatting techniques in digitalization.
Project-Based Learning + Flipped Classroom Approach

Hands-on *

Project selection from several proposed lines

Flipped Classroom: support with facilitation sessions and mentorships


Business plan *


No-code Prototype *


Market Launch *
* In-Person Session
Business Case Studies in XR, led by leaders in each area


Soraya del Portillo
CEO Team Training


Marcos Vázquez
Founder Fitness Revolucionario


Juan Merodio
Thought leader and consultant


Carlos Rebate
Transformation Director Securitas
José María Lassalle
Consultant, Writer and Professor


Andreu Tobella
Managing Director – Digital – Port Aventura


Edgar y Edu
Spatial Voyagers

Degree from the Complutense University of Madrid


Master in XR & Spatial Computing


7500€ *1

November 2024


Enroll Now


Registration via Empower Talent *3

Our partners in enrollment management, payments, and e-learning platform

We support students in their professionalization in this sector

Eduardo Herranz

COO & Academy Director
Spatial Voyagers

Edgar Martín-Blas

Spatial Voyagers

José Infantes

Spatial Voyagers

Billy Carreño

Design Director
Spatial User

Laura Morales


Celia Jiménez

Senior XR Designer

Jorge Esteban Blein

XR Narrative Designer
Marelle studio

Mel Slater

Universidad de Barcelona

Olga Carreras

Usable y Accesible

Víctor García

Co-Founder & CTO

Eduardo de la Iglesia

Musical composer
Out of the Blue

Luca Mefisto

Software Engineer
Meta – Reality Labs

Javier Medina

3D Generalist

Jose Villot

3D Digital Artist

Jaime González Vallejo

3D Digital Artist

Antony Vitillo

XR Developer
New Technology Walkers

Cristian Díaz

visionOS Developer
Carlos González

Cofounder & CPO

Marcos Sánchez Elez

Universidad Complutense

Noemí Brito


Mónica Rodríguez

Senior Manager

Mireia Paricio

Senior Manager

Carlos G. Tardón

Observatorio Nebrija

Federico Peinado

Universidad Complutense

Carlos Bolívar

Distrito XR

Carlos León

Universidad Complutense

David Alonso

Universidad Complutense

Pedro López

Universidad Complutense

Rafa Pagés


Raúl Maqueda

Head of Photogrammetry
Peris Digital

Coming Soon
Market Leader
Coming Soon
Market Leader
Coming Soon
Market Leader
Coming Soon
Market Leader

Madrid time zone (GMT+1)



(each 15 days)
18.00 – 21.00 hrs


18.30-20.30 hrs


18-21 hrs
Spatial Voyagers’


18-21 hrs
Spatial Voyagers

*Además se organizarán dinámicas en diferentes medios inmersivos y varias sesiones presenciales

“The future belongs to those who see the possibilities before they become obvious” (John Sculley, former Apple executive
Is this program for me?
  • Learn to lead or manage an XR / Spatial Computing department or project professionally.
  • Create a startup within this new ecosystem and launch a product to this market.
  • Gain firsthand insight into the entire XR / Spatial Computing market, the stakeholders involved, the content creation process, and how to conceptualize coherent business ideas.
  • Participate in and understand user experience design from the most global to the most particular.
  • Understand the operational impact of any business decision on the UX process or development, and speak the same language at the same level as them.
  • Learn and professionalize in designing XR / Spatial Computing experiences.
  • Update and complement their knowledge with the latest techniques, dynamics, and tools.
  • Learn to create functional prototypes on their own without needing help and/or wish to acquire developer skills under a no-code approach.
  • Understand how AI, in a 100% practical way, accelerates the design process in this ecosystem.
  • Understand the operational impact of any UX decision on the business, as well as provide business owners with hypotheses about detected business opportunities from the UX perspective.
  • Expand their skills in XR / Spatial Computing technologies with Unity (and Unity Poly Spatial) as the main tool.
  • Get introduced to Apple’s native development ecosystem via SwiftUI and tools like Reality Composer.
  • Understand and participate in the design and user experience process.
  • Complement their role or change roles within the organization, acquiring capabilities to direct teams or XR or Spatial Computing projects
  • Nonconformists and adventurers
  • All kinds of professionals looking to make a career change, whether they are engineers, communicators, or professionals from a myriad of disciplines, as well as video game industry professionals and transmedia creatives.
  • Anyone who can see this program as a logical evolution in their career. Remember, this new sector is cross-disciplinary and will impact everything and everyone.

Very Much Our Content

Programs 2024-2025
Master and Certificate Presentation

May 30th Event
Spatial Computing: where the real merges with the virtual

February 15th Event
Apple Vision Pro and its impact on business and development

Last editions
Student opinions

Master Completion Event
Student project presentations

5G Lab Vodafone Event
In-person session with Mar González Franco


A program close to the market and the people

I can only recommend this training if you want to have a holistic view of the Metaverse. Once you finish it, all you have to do is get to work, help build it and be part of it.

Francisco Moreno Giménez
Consultor Apple (ACN)

Curso muy completo.
La clave ha sido la proximidad de los profesores. Hemos aprendido de los mejores profesionales que hay a día de hoy en el sector. Gran contenido y muy bien estructurado.

Juan Ramon Candela Guillem
Virtual Experience Design Specialist and metaverse

El Metaverse Full Mastery es una formación 360. Hemos partido de una idea, hemos trabajado la parte de negocio, la hemos diseñado, desarrollado y acabamos presentado un MVP. Creo que nadie da eso a día de hoy.

César León Reunés
Analista GIS, AR & VR Explorer

Educational Partners

Partners on this educational journey

Apple Coding Academy

The best market partners in charge of SwiftUI and native development for Apple. Cross discounts with their programs.


An international reference in charge of blockchain and tokenization classes. The Master's projects will be showcased on their launchpad. Our students will have access to certain classes from their Master in Tokenization. Cross discounts with their programs..


Exclusive discounts on Apple products for being students. Preferential access to demos of new products.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, contact us and we will be happy to help.

Gonzalo García Vinuesa

IA and Community Manager

*1 Payments can be made in installments over 3, 6, and 9 months, interest-free
*2 There may be classes in English, but they will never exceed 10% of the total classes taught
*3 Registration is required on the Empower Talent website. Additionally, a selection process through an interview will take place

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